
Name: Todd D. Moore

Birthday: 20 April


M.A., Biblical Theological Seminary

B.S., Delaware Valley College

B.S., Pillsbury College


Biblical & NT Studies

Biblical Chronology




Literary & Rhetorical Analysis

From Bondage to Redemption_Moore (Reformatted).pdf

Particles & Conjunctions_Wheeler.pdf


My Story (= His Story)

I was born, the only son of David and Catherine Moore, in Norristown, PA.  I had a fairly normal childhood, but I can look back and see that I was lacking spiritually.  Although I was baptized and catechized in the Roman Catholic church, I was never concerned about God, the meaning of life, or anything that pertained to religion.  In fact, though I might have been characterized as a nice guy, of average intelligence, this spiritual lack caused me to fall quite short in matters of character and morals.  In my late teens, I was introduced to the various moral dilemmas that go with the sort of life I was living. To make a long story short, this teenage roller coaster ride led to deep introspection and eventually to my belief in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Although my conversion to Christ did change everything, I view this as the beginning of a wonderful journey, as well as having arrived at my destination in Christ.  After having experienced and learned from many forms of Christian belief, I became a catechumen and was consequently united with the Eastern Orthodox Church in Sept 2011.  People might look at me and say that I am “religious.”  Now, I don’t think of myself that way, but I would take that as a compliment. I care about God’s will and try to live in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus.  When it is all said and done, I want my life to be characterized by faith, hope, and love.  Due, at times, to my own lack in these graces, the journey has not been without its share of slips, trips and falls.  As the saying goes, I am not the man that I was, but I am still not the man I will be.  By God’s grace, the One who began this journey will finish his creative work of transforming me into the likeness of his Son.  Today, I can say this: my story (my biography), is really summed up in Christ’s story.  He died for me and I died with him.  So although I no longer live, yet, in Christ, I do live to God.  This is because my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was raised from the dead and lives to God.  Since I have been united with him in his death, I  look forward to being united with him in the resurrection!  How is that for a biography?  I am excited about the past, present, and future in Christ.  I wish the same for you too, dear reader.  This can be your story too, if you will only believe the good news about the Lord Jesus Christ.